10 Top Best Songs About Friendship

The most important thing in life are good friends! They are at our side with advice and action in both good and bad times. We just want to sing a musical thank you for that and we present you the most beautiful songs about friendship.

One’s best friend cannot be thanked enough. Be it in the way of a thank you cake, a nice text by mail or social media. How about thanking your loved ones in a musical way? A nice music is sure to make your best friend laugh. Whether you sing the song yourself or play it back, your friends will know how important they are to you. And that they can always count on you!


The Rembrandts: I’ll Be There For You

Friends, the series about 4 characters has been around for many years – and you can tell that in many places. Nevertheless, it is so popular that there was a petition when the streaming provider Netflix wanted to remove the seasons from the series. The title track and the gossip part in the play are at least as legendary as Rachel’s hairdo.

Spice Girls: Wannabe

It remains to be seen whether the Spice Girls were really as good friends as their promotional companies wanted the fans to believe. Nevertheless, their first big hit “Wannabe” went down in pop history as one of the songs about friendship. Clear message to a new love: If you don’t get along with my girlfriends, you can make the turn right away.

10 Top Best Songs About Friendship
10 Top Best Songs About Friendship

Soulmate – Natasha Bedingfield

Bonnie & Clyde – Sarah Connor & Henning Wehland

Taylor Swift: Love Story

The song was already twelve years old when an American produced a remix under the stage name Disco Lines. In the summer two years ago, the piece was used in more than 250,000 videos on social media within a few days, often by friends who came up with performances together. And because this cheesy love song connected so many people in the difficult year 2020, it gets a place on this list.

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Randy Newman: You’ve Got A Friend In Me

Toy Story tells the story of toy cowboy Woody and an astronaut Lightyear, who initially hate each other and eventually become good friends. A good friendship story and the first major animation. Randy Newman’s You’ve Got A Friend In Me is the soundtrack to the story and, like the movie, is a true classic.


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