All About Brazilian Butt Lift:  Procedure, Benefits and Side Effects

Have you ever heard of the Brazilian butt lift? The buttocks lift is also called Brazilian Butt Lift. This procedure is performed with implants.

 Magnification With Own Fat

Do you find that your bottom is too small? The buttock enlargement, also called Brazilian buttock enlargement, can give your buttocks more volume. Butt enlargement is a surgical treatment for both men and women. The buttocks enlargement with autologous fat improves your bottom and increases your self-confidence.


How Does A Buttock Enlargement With Autologous Fat Work?

For a satisfactory result of the Brazilian Butt Lift, around 300-350 ml of autologous fat is required. The treatment is divided into two steps. The first step is liposuction to gain fat tissue. In the second step, the extracted fat is introduced into the glutes. The Brazilian Butt Lift usually takes place on an outpatient condition and under regular anesthesia and takes around two to three hours.


For the removal of fat tissue, a part of the body must first be found that has enough fat accumulation. Since the Brazilian Butt Lift requires more autologous fat than a breast augmentation, it can be more difficult in some cases to find a suitable part of the body to remove the tissue.

What Do You Need To Qualify As A Patient?

A Brazilian butt lift is particularly suitable for patients who want a normal enlargement of the buttocks and who refuse to use implants. Visit The buttocks enlargement with fat only enlarges the buttocks slightly, so that a particularly nice looking result is achieved. However, by repeating the procedure about six months after the first butt lift, the enlargement can also be increased.

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