Coco Chanel, a designer who has made her mark on the world fashion history, was the founder of her own brand but had quite original thoughts apart from the perception of fashion that is now thought.
We have compiled the Coco Chanel quotes about this fashion and life view that made it unique and number one.
Who is Coco Chanel?
Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel is the fashion designer to identify the other Coco Chanel or the creator of the Chanel brand that has gained the appreciation of people around the world today.
Coco Chanel’s ideas about life, femininity, elegance, and fashion will be the guide of women of today. Here, let’s take a look at the words of Coco Chanel with the wish that these words still ring in our ears and fuel the spark inside us.
It is an icon of TIME magazine’s list of 100 most influential people of the 20th century and has created both its own life and fashion. It should not be forgotten the wisdom, which is also under its creativity.
Fashion circles have so much applied to her wisdom that they even made the abbreviation (WWCS) of the phrase “What would Coco say?” among themselves. If you want to be inspired by the Coco Chanel quotes, who has this versatile personality, follow us. We share the highest quality and most impressive quotes for you. Stay tuned!
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