There is hardly a greater loss than the death of a mother and sympathy for the event should be appropriate. Quotes mother died – expressing condolences is an important gesture. But which words are suitable for the card? Which funeral saying honors the deceased and at the same time expresses comforting words?
For the mourner, the deceased mother was the first reference in life, with whom childhood also dies. One cannot actually empathize with this extraordinary loss, regardless of whether the mother died after a long illness or death came suddenly. The death of someone close to you is always a hard stroke of fate, especially when it is your own mother. You should also expressly mention the reason for the condolence in personal words, because it is of no help to the mourner if this is not mentioned.

For example, the quote “I express my deepest sympathy for the death of your mother” is more appropriate than, for example, “My sincere condolences on your loss”. Cards often contain memories and nice words. So if you have personal impressions of the deceased, you can describe them in a few words. Expressions like: “In quiet thoughts” or “In sincere sympathy” are suitable as final words.
Mother: what a beautiful word. You only really notice it when she’s gone forever.”
Death rearranges the world. Apparently nothing has changed, and yet everything has become different.
“Memory is a window through which we can see the deceased whenever we choose.”
“Death is like a candle that goes out at daybreak.”
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