Sophisticated Elegant Girl Names

We have some of the most swanky names for you to choose from. Are you expecting a little girl soon and haven’t decided on a suitable name yet? No wonder, such an important and far-reaching decision is difficult. After all, the first name you have chosen will accompany your daughter throughout her life and should therefore be carefully considered.


The Selection Is Huge

There are many names for girl. When deciding which name you could choose for your daughter, it is therefore all the more helpful to look at the meaning. Maybe you want to tell a personal story with the name? Is there an important history in the family that needs to be observed? Or have you already decided on a letter for your girl’s first name to begin with? In the list you will find a lot of sophisticated elegant names for girl. So that you also know what is behind the names, we also have an explanation of the meaning and history of each name ready. No matter which name you choose for your daughter: We wish you all the best for you, your daughter, the birth and of course the great time afterwards!


Beatrice – If you are looking for an elegant name, Beatrice could be a name for you. This name means blessed, lucky charm. The former Queen of the Netherlands is called Beatrice.

Abby – This girl’s name is a short appearance of the English given name Abigail, which means my father’s joy.

Barbara – This girl’s name has the Greek barbaros for foreign in the name. She is the patron saint of miners and is often baptized in UK.

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Eva – A well known biblical name that comes from the Old Testament: The name comes from the Hebrew word Chawwah which means mother of the living.

Charlotte -Charlotte is timeless and is a name that has been, and still is, represented in many royal families. This is a feminine name of Charles and means free.

Evelyn -Evelyn is an adorable name that has lovely short forms derived from it. It is the Anglicized form.

Rita – Rita is an Italian name of Margarete and has the beautiful meaning the lucky pearl.


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