Words Of Affirmation For Men

Want to give someone a compliment they’ll never forget? A little inspiration certainly couldn’t hurt. Compliments influence everyone differently. Some feel happiest when someone appreciates something about them that they particularly doubt and are very insecure about. For others, it means the world when they get validation for something they’re incredibly proud of. Also, getting a compliment from a a woman can make a difference—and some compliments can influence men differently than women. In short: it is not easy to give compliments. But when in doubt, it’s better to get out and learn from the other person’s reaction than to hold back it. Because there is usually a greater opportunity that we will achieve a good effect with a compliment than a bad one.



Once when a man was walking a colleague of him  to the bus stop, she said ‘I feel safe with you.’ As a tall, hairy man with a badass face and a deep voice, you’ve never heard anything like it. It’s been years now and you may still think about it.

Words Of Affirmation For Men
Words Of Affirmation For Men

Sparkle In The Eyes

A personal favorite compliment can be when we are feeling down and want to get a cinnamon roll to cheer us up. Everyone in our family except us has light eyes for example. When we place our order, she saw me at the checkout waited a few seconds and then told me that I have very beautiful eyes because they sparkle. Since then, I appreciate my eyes a lot more.

Sun Child

A woman I worked with once said to me, ‘You’re always so positive and upbeat. It’s nice to have someone like you around.’ That can make you gloomy, very happy and proud.

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Charming Conversationalist

A couple of girls once called me lovely. And a close friend of mine said I was so easy to talk to. Both compliments meant a lot to me.

You Got It

My boss said to me, ‘If you knew what kind of people sometimes apply to our company, you would understand why we are so excited when we meet someone like you.’ As a young businessman, that really touched me.


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