Freedom is an essential human claim and for centuries it was not given to the extent that it is taken for granted in many countries today. Similar ones can also be found in the numerous quotes on the subject. Below is a small selection of such quotes and sayings.
Many great thinkers in the history have engraved themselves in the memory with their sayings about freedom. It is no coincidence that freedom is more a matter of philosophy than of everyday life. The meaning of freedom is very abstract. An example: A beggar lives in complete freedom, completely independent – only of course it doesn’t feel like that for those affected because homelessness and poverty extremely lower the possibilities. At the same time, a prisoner in prison is deprived of his freedom as a punishment, but the real living situation and the chances to develop further and to manage your own time are sometimes more free than in the life of a beggar. In short: being free or being unfree is in many human lives, if at all, a question that has little or nothing to do with real living.
No wonder, then, that apart from humans, no animal attaches importance to the subject as long as its needs are met. For people, however, the question is sometimes so fundamental that they are willing to suffer and even die for it. The great historical freedom struggles of the past times – above all the abolition of slavery and the emancipation of women (and also other discriminated people) – were not fought by many of those involved, because otherwise a life with what they need would not be possible would have been. Instead, many of the fighters were concerned with the rule of finally being free and being able to call themselves that. How important is freedom to you? Perhaps the following sayings and quotes can give you the motivation for your own thoughts on the subject;
“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. “- Coco Chanel
“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”- Mahatma Gandhi
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